City Dust
Two C-Prints on cardboard, Plaster
135 × 90 cm
Size Matters/City Dust
DIN A5 Booklet
s/w 32 pages
Duo Show with Miklós Erhardt at SIZE MATTERS, Vienna
Bianca Pedrina deals with the built environment and the process of visual perception. In her photographic work, she concentrates on architectural details, often focusing on the materiality of the gallery space as part of her site-specific installations.
In her new work «City Dust» she draws her attention to the facade of the SIZE MATTERS.
Dust deposits of the city of Vienna and its surroundings, which have formed over a longer period of time, are clearly visible on the «outer skin» of the exhibition space. The photographs presented in the gallery show the current state of the façade.
In a further step, Pedrina swaps her camera with a scanning electron microscope to determine which inorganic substances are emitted by the city, and which microparticles find their way to the SIZE MATTERS and colonize the surface of the building.
These images appear in an accompanying booklet.
In der Arbeit «City Dust» gilt Bianca Pedrinas Aufmerksamkeit der Fassade des SIZE MATTERS.
Die über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg entstandenen Staubablagerungen der Stadt Wien und ihrer Umgebung sind auf der «Aussenhaut» des Ausstellungsraums gut sichtbar. Die in den Raum gestellten Fotografien zeigen den aktuellen Zustand der Fassade.
In einem weiteren Schritt tauscht Pedrina die Kamera mit einem Rasterelektronenmikroskop, um festzustellen, welche anorganischen Stoffe von der Stadt abgesondert werden, welche Mikropartikel den Weg zum SIZE MATTERS finden und die Oberfläche des Gebäudes besiedeln.